Csoportos látogatás

“I once read that autism is a withdrawal from reality... but this is very misleading. It would be wrong... (to say) that, because what it means is that in order to withdraw from reality for whatever reason, you have to know what it means first. I think it should be described as, first and foremost, an inability to understand reality, which makes a person withdraw."
Therese Joliffe

Dear Teachers!

Below we have put together some tips to help you plan your visit to the museum.
Before the visit
By looking at the following materials, children can get an idea of what the space and activities will be like before they visit. 
Here's our video about the Story Museum:

You can download the social story preparing the visit.

Down below you can also download our guide to museum rules, which we recommend you discuss with the children beforehand.

Please contact us by email (mesemuzeum@pim.hu) or by phone (06-1-202-40-20) to arrange a visit.

MÁV offers free travel to the Story Museum. You can download the admission form at the bottom of this page. Please send the completed document back to us by email at least 1 week before your visit.

In the museum
On arrival, ring the bell at the gate and you will be greeted by a museum educator.
If you would like to have a snack or lunch before the session, you can do so in the Veil Park next to the Museum of Fairy Tales.
If you arrive before the scheduled time, you may have to wait a short while before the session starts: you can look at the museum map under the courtyard arches, learn about the history of the museum building and see the works of a contemporary storyteller in the courtyard display case.
The museum also has a relaxation room. If a child needs a rest or a short break during the visit, they can retreat to relax and, if possible, rejoin the play.

After the Visit
To help you process the experience of the visit, we have created a booklet for children to take with them as a souvenir,(or it can be downloaded from our website). There is the option to work on it together at school, but it is also an excellent way to reflect and relive the experience at home.

The experience booklet can be downloaded below.

All feedback is important to us. We therefore ask you to help us by filling in the visitor questionnaire which can be downloaded below.

We wish you and your group an exciting journey through the world of fairy tales in the Story Museum:

The staff of the International Cseperedô Foundation and the colleagues of the Story Museum!

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